Product Description
Select “Add to Cart” for a sample form to request a free annual copy of your MIB Report from the Medical Information Bureau (MIB Group, Inc.) Checking Service, a specialty consumer reporting agency for medical records or payments and medical information (related to individual insurance).
MIB, Inc.
Attn: FCRA Compliance Department
50 Braintree Hill Park, Suite 400
Braintree, MA 02184
Telephone Disclosure Line: 1-866-692-6901
Request your Annual MIB Report from the Medical Information Bureau (MIB Group, Inc.) Checking Service
Download to request your free annual specialty consumer report from MIB, Inc. (the Medical Information Bureau). Or call MIB, Inc. (the Medical Information Bureau) toll-free at 1-866-692-6901.
Personal data collected by the MIB Inc. includes medical conditions, your credit report history, driving records, criminal activity, drug use, sexual orientation, lifestyle activities, international travel, participation in hazardous sports, and personal or family genetic history. Using information from these medical report files, insurance companies can charge you higher premiums or terminate your coverage altogether. (Source, FTC Agreement, “Fair Credit Reporting Act requirements to apply to insurance investigations under new policy accepted by Medical Information Bureau”, July 1995)
Share Your Experiences with the Medical Information Bureau (MIB Group, Inc.) Checking Service and your MIB Report
Has your application for a individual insurance recently been denied by an insurance company because of a medical history report? Are you struggling to correct errors on your specialty MIB credit report or trying to fix an incident of identity theft? Please share your experiences in the “Reviews” tab above.