LexisNexis CLUE Report - Insurance Claim History

LexisNexis RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report – LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau


We upgraded our request process! If you’d like to use the Internet to request your LexisNexis Full File Disclosure Credit Report, go to SpecialScores.com. If you want to submit your request by telephone or mail, read below for instructions.

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Product Description

We upgraded our request process! If you’d like to use the Internet to request your LexisNexis Full File Disclosure Credit Report, go to SpecialScores.com. If you want to submit your request by telephone or mail, read below for instructions.

LexisNexis RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report is a credit reporting product from LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Reed Elsevier, plc, a specialty consumer reporting agency for credit history and records (related to individual information).

LexisNexis Risk Solutions, LLC – Consumer Care Center
Attn: Prescription History Report File Disclosure
P.O. Box 105108 Atlanta GA, 30348-5108


Background about the LexisNexis RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report from the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau LLC

LexisNexis RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report is a detailed report that delivers insight on an applicant’s consumer history and financial health of a consumer to help make faster policy decisions, optimize underwriting expenses and minimize risk. RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report delivers a comprehensive view into an applicant’s consumer history and potential conditions that impact underwriting decisions.

According to the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau website section on RiskView Alternative Data Credit & Risk Report, the LexisNexis Report “delivers insights into key consumer data and behavior attributes .”

Using the LexisNexis Risk Solutions patented linking technology and robust data assets, LexisNexis enhances history inquiry data to help provide improved accuracy, better hit rates and minimize false “no hits.”